Books by this author

The Campbell’s Soup Cans. The Marilyns. The Electric Chairs. The Flowers. The work created by Andy Warhol elevated everyday images to art, ensuring Warhol a fame that has far outlasted the 15 minutes he predicted for everyone else. His very name is synonymous with the 1960s American art movement known as Pop. Warhol’s rise, from poverty to wealth, from obscurity to status as a Pop icon, is an absorbing tale—one in which the American dream of fame and fortune is played out in all of its success and its excess. No artist of the late 20th century took the pulse of his time—and ours—better than Andy Warhol.
Andy Warhol: Prince of Pop
Jan Greenberg, Sandra Jordan
Age Level:
Middle Grade, YA Genre:
Biography, Nonfiction Published:
Can a painting speak? This collection of lyrical responses to famous American works of art provides answers.
Heart to Heart: New Poems Inspired by Twentieth-Century American Art
Jan Greenberg
Age Level:
Middle Grade Genre:
Poetry Published: